National residence hall honorary (NRHH)


The National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) is an organization that strives to recognize the top 1% of student leaders living in the residence halls. The NRHH promotes and advocates its Values of service and recognition; therefore, NRHH focuses residence halls programming in all these areas. At UCSB, we are affiliated with the Residential Housing Association, which gives us a solid link to all the residence halls on campus. 

The NRHH Margaret T. Getman Chapter at UCSB currently meets weekly throughout the year. 

Check out our website:

Meeting Information: 
Thursdays 7:30PM - 9:00PM in the Loma Pelona Center



any resident in university housing is Eligible to apply. The resident must fulfill the following criteria: live in University housing for at least one quarter and have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.3.

Most importantly, NRHH loves Of-The-Month (OTM) awards. An OTM is a written statement explaining how a person or program made a positive, meaningful impact during the month for which the OTM is submitted.
Write one of your own OTM Nominations at:

For more information about the national NRHH organization:
Visit the National NRHH Website & Follow us on instagram @nrhhucsb.